I read a news story today that was pretty encouraging
"Gifts and cries of 'cheapskate' greet the story of a homeless Detroit roofer who returned $20,738 in lost bonds and got a $100 tip for his honesty"
If only the world were this perfect. But then again, if it were, there wouldn't be homeless people!
Other searches about this story brought up comments like "$100 was so cheap, he should have gotten $1000" (and in the end he got much more). Others on the opposite spectrum said, "The feeling of being righteous and knowing you did the right things should be a reward in itself, he shouldn't have gotten any money."
Here is my take, I don't see the rewards he's received as values of money, I see them as means to get him back up on his feet, and the people providing the means trust that he will. That is the beauty of it. Both sides, the homeless guy and the people who donated money, have both shown something that isn't seen that often, and that is complete trust: trust in God and trust in each other. Did the homeless guy get what he deserved? I'd say yes, not because he deserved money, but he desered some help to get him started in life again. And if he really is the honest man he says he is, things should work out well for him, thanks to all the people who donated the rewards.
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