Saturday, July 15, 2006

Friggen ants

It's been almost a month of summer already and I thought to myself the other day, "Hey, no ants yet!" Well I must have jinxed myself. The other night, Audrey went to get some fruit at about 12am and told me there were a bunch of ants on the kitchen counter. I went downstairs and it took me over an hour to clean them up. They appparently came through one of the vents in the floor near the kitchen. I was lucky this time because I sprayed ant poison around the vent and I haven't seen them since.

Well today, I saw more! >:( This time, they were downstairs in the entry way. Today really pissed me off, you know why? For those of you who don't know, our front door is right by our back door that goes into the garage. We normally have ants running through our garbage in the garage, which isn't that big of a deal. Well today, they decided to take a shortcut into the garage by coming through our front door, going across our entry way, and out through the back door into the garage! Maybe I should have charged toll or something.... there were hundreds or even thousands of them.... Instead, I vacuumed them all up and spackled the cracks in the door frame. Apparently that wasn't enough though, I guess the rubber gaskets around the doors are a bit loose, they still kept coming (resilient little suckers). So I took my buddy's advice and bought some Ortho Home Defense. It's a spray that you spray around the perimeter of your house and over doorways or windows that are susceptile to insect attacks. I just sprayed it on now, we'll see if there are any more ants in the coming days. I HATE ANTS.

p.s. Looks like the little spider I decided to keep alive near the front door isn't doing his job anymore. So I pulled a Trump and said, "You're fired" as I vacuumed him up with the ants.


At Monday, July 17, 2006 10:35:00 PM, Blogger Audrey said...

I thought the 8-legged dude was your friend? Is that how you treat a friend? That's bad!


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