Tuesday, July 18, 2006

More friggen ants

Ok, so good news 1st. The Ortho Home Defense stuff works. No ants by the trash, no ants near the back door, no ants along the bottom of the front door.... BUT..... They're coming in through the top of the front door now!!!!!!! I guess I neglected to spray all around the front doorframe like I did the back doorframe. Little bastards! So I came to work late this morning because I was dealing with those little suckers and then spraying around the front doorframe. This time, since they came through the top of the door frame, they ended up going all the way to the top of the ceiling and then down around the birdcage. We have pretty high ceilings so getting them cleaned up from way up there was a pain, I had to wait for some of them from way up to crawl back down the wall before I could vacuum them up, I couldn't reach that high. They might seem to crawl fast when they're on the ground, but it seemed to take them forever to crawl all the way down while I was waiting with the vacuum. Hopefully there aren't anymore cracks I missed.....


At Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:00:00 AM, Blogger gorgbroza said...

I never had luck with sprays/baits. I used caulk and expanding foam to seal off any cracks/cavities. We used to get ants every summer, but barely had any last year. None so far this year.

At Thursday, July 27, 2006 10:33:00 PM, Blogger catherine said...

haha you are so funny alan. i never knew... if it bothers you that much, you should have someone come out and spray. we've been paying a small local company to spray starting 3 years ago and we haven't seen one since. they actually started by spraying inside and outside. after that they only sprayed outside. they stuff they use is very biodegradable so hot weather breaks it down really fast. it costs a lot, $58/mo, but it is worth it for our sanity. they would spray your inside only/cheaper. it took them 2 passes inside for us to make the 6 legged visitors go away...


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