Friday, June 30, 2006

AVN6600 complete! (more or less)

I received the iPod controller module in the mail last week and installed it right away. It wasn't bad, in fact, the void that was left after removing the stock amplifier was a perfect spot to mount the iPod module. Now I can control my iPod nicely from the touch screen and store the iPod itself in the glove box. I'll get some pictures up later when I have time.

The 2nd thing I did last week was mount a little switch so I could turn on and off the subwoofer from inside the cabin. This was just a touch that I have always done in the past so in case there are people with "sensitive" ears in the car, I can appease them with a flip of a switch. Pictures to come!

The 3rd and final thing was installing the rear speakers last weekend. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, however it did require me to remove the entire backseat as well as the rear deck lid. The part I'm most proud of was fashioning some wood spacers to fit the aftermarket speakers into the rear deck. The rear deck didn't have standard speaker holes or screw holes to fit a typical aftermarket speaker. I had to cut out a piece of wood to get the rears mounted. I'll also post some pictures of it when I have some time.

Anyway, the system is pretty much done for now. As for the level matching gripes I had from my last post, I'll have to live with it for now. Maybe that will be my next project, a nice little amp for the cabin speakers. I'm dreading the drive to LA this weekened because my wife and I have been driving down there every 3 weeks since our wedding (this will be the 3rd time in a month an a half!). At least I'll have the new system to keep me busy on the drive down this time!


At Sunday, July 09, 2006 12:46:00 AM, Blogger Audrey said...

Mr. P, this is very hard to understand. Can you explain it again in birdman terms? Thanks!

At Wednesday, July 12, 2006 3:18:00 PM, Blogger gorgbroza said...

He make car stereo sound good. Gooder than before. CHEEEEEEP! CHEEEEEEP! KAAAAAAWWWWW!

At Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:14:00 PM, Blogger catherine said...

you silly guys... was high school really that good? wait i take that back... us ladies do have some silly things that we like to do and spend money on too.
whatever makes you happy (and disturbs the spouse as little as possible :).


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